Blogging and Coffee
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5 No-Brainer Reasons You Should Start a Blog

You may have heard the statistics that say that 200,000 people start a new blog every day. That number might sound staggering, but considering how many billions of people there are on the planet, not such a big number, right? Plus, Google loves blogs and new content. You might have thought about doing this in the past, and maybe you’re thinking about it again- and if so, here’s 5 rewarding reasons you should start one today!

Starting a blog can be a really exciting opportunity to consider, and it might just require that you think about what you could blog about. For example, have you thought of, or created, or developed something awesome that you think people might buy from you or want to learn from you?

Even if you’re not sure where to start yet, perhaps one of these ideas will help you discover your own justification to begin blogging. In this post you’ll learn 5 practical reasons why you should start a blog today!

1) To Tell Your Story

This is probably the easiest reason that anyone could use to justify starting a blog. Writing about your life can be so cathartic and freeing. When you let those thoughts out, put them down in writing, it helps your mind become more clear, more focused.

For me, it helps me to write to let out some of the information that’s in there, so I have room in my brain to learn more information. The older I get, the worse I feel my memory is, so I feel like I need that space.

And your story is like no one else’s on the planet or ever in history. Literally, each and every one of us has never had or will ever have an identical life. So, the things we each learn, the struggles we overcome, the happiness we achieve, it’s all completely unique to us.

And by sharing your unique life experience, you share something new and fresh every time you post. (As long as you are writing from your heart in your own voice.) And aren’t we all interested in other people’s juicy stories?

We are, and that’s why we love to not only write blogs, but we LOVE to read them too! So share to entertain others, to warn them, to educate, to inform, or to inspire them. You have a story that someone else likely wants and needs to hear.

2) To Increase Your Happiness

There’s a theory I’ve heard of, about how as a people in these days, we’re way too into “consuming.” That we take, and take, and take, but most people rarely give back. But that if we were to “give back” more, that we’d feel happier and our satisfaction in life would improve.

Because how do you feel when you’ve done something really nice to help someone? You feel great! Even if no one else knows about it, you feel good because you did something helpful for another person.

Well, blogging can be like that too, I believe in a way, it can provide a service to others. It can be a simple, and potentially very effective forum to share things that will benefit others lives immensely. This is somewhat similar to the reason above, but this is less about you and more about others.

So instead of just spending all your time online consuming other’s information (on Facebook, Instagram, on other blogs, or shopping or anything else) why not use at least some of that time to become more than a consumer, and become a producer or publisher of your own?

This could add to the value of society, to your community, or to those who love and care about you and that you know will read your blog. Plus, it provides a way for you to connect with other like-minded people.

For me, become friends with people I’ve met since started blogging, has been very rewarding. People really do want to help you and see you succeed, so you can find your “people” too, through your blog.

3) To Earn Money

Pursuing a blog in order to make money is also an extremely common reason to start. There are many ways to earn from it through various forms of monetizing: ad revenue, affiliate marketing, selling e-courses and other digital products, or selling your own handmade goods, along many other ways.

I started my blog because I wanted to help market my Etsy shop more. (IsaLee Designs) I started it toward the end 2011, on a whim due to a layoff I’d experienced.

The traffic was so slow at first, that it didn’t really become noticeable until 2012. It took time to get ranked and seen through the Etsy search engine just like it does with Google. But the great thing about Etsy is that they have their own built in audience, people that are already shopping there.

But this past year, after reviewing the numbers, I realized that I have been limiting my traffic primarily to only Etsy shoppers. Etsy is well established and has an average of 40 million active users every month.

But I still run into people every week who have never heard of Etsy, or have never been to their site. So, what does that tell me? That there is a lot more opportunity out there to reach potential customers, beyond Etsy shoppers, that I’d been missing all this time.

So by starting a blog along with an online shop, you’d be increasing your overall exposure to potentially much larger audience from which to market to, whereas google serves about 3.5 billion searches a day—you read that right—billion. That’s a heck of a lot more potential customers than Etsy’s monthly shoppers! 

4) To Obtain new Opportunities

People also love to know your “why”. Your blog is the perfect place to showcase yourself. It’s where you can go into great detail about why you do what you do, and why you love writing, or making something, or sharing ideas.

Sharing that draws people in. And as you provide details about your expertise, that can also help you establish more credibility. And with credibility can come opportunity.

Then, when you have earned people’s trust, that’s when they start coming back frequently. They’ll see you as an expert in your niche or whatever it is that your blog is about. You’ll start to create fans that love you.

And as your fan base grows, so does your exposure online, which can potentially get the attention of other bloggers, publishers, news outlets, and other people who want to work with you or learn from you.

So, strive to create great content that will earn people’s trust. And you do that by helping to solve a problem for them or teach them something. Provide stellar information and people will naturally want to tell everyone they know about you!

5) To Improve Your Skills

The last reason that we’ll discuss today is how blogging can actually help make you smarter!

When you start writing regularly, you’ll start to become more immersed in words, which will likely lead you to do more reading as well. And when you read more, you learn more, you understand more, and you become more educated.

Writing regularly also helps you improve your overall communication skills. And of course, being good at communication can help you in a myriad of ways in your life, from getting a job, to improving your relationships, to doing well in school, and more.

Plus, the more you write, the easier it will become. And as you continue to develop and progress, no doubt that will also increase your self-confidence. And that alone can do wonders for improving your life!


Hopefully some or all of these reasons have inspired you to do it- to jump into the online world of blogging!

If you are ready to get started, I’d love to help you get started! Head over to my post “How to Start a Blog” to get step by step instructions on how to get going. It’s not as hard as you think, in fact, it’s pretty easy! (I’m so not a techy person, and I figured it out!)

But do keep in mind that you will need to do a lot of time up front, to get your blog set up to make money. And it will cost you a small investment to get started, but you can get going for only a few dollars a month, which really isn’t much considering how much starting a normal company would cost, right?

If you’re not interested today, that’s totally okay too, and I just hope that what you’ve read here today has been helpful. Leave me a comment below to let me know what you think about blogging- and please subscribe to the blog (in the right hand sidebar) so you never miss a post!

5 Reasons You Should Start a Blog


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